Linux Theme Formatter

Linux Theme Formatter

Greetings, fellow code wranglers and Linux enthusiasts! 🐧🎩

We know the drill: practical lectures, Ubuntu screens, and the elusive clock hands. Fear not, for we're here to transform your code outputs into visual masterpieces.

Enter Linux Theme Formatter – the genie that turns text into terminal-style artistry.

Not everyone has a Linux wonderland at home, and running those terminal commands might be a distant dream. But why just dream when you can "theme"?

With Linux Theme Formatter, all you need is a dash of text magic, and voilà! Enter your output text, sprinkle it with the enchanting colours of the Linux terminal, and watch the magic unfold. 🎨🚀


Some features might be taking a coffee break at the moment, but stay tuned for the full experience soon. Your text-to-terminal transformation is on the horizon!

Thank-you for your patience

cnc7@cnc7-Optiplex-3020:~$ ls *.txt
employee.txt output.txt test.txt